Thursday, December 8, 2011

Allured Update

Sorry for not posting for a while. I have been busy with new projects. I hope everyone has been doing well and is ready for the upcoming winter holidays. Blessings to each of you. 

Friday, September 9, 2011

Vampires, Werewolves and Angels - Oh My!

Darkness covered every inch of the ebony sky, wrapping it in a heavy blanket. A distant howl from a werewolf barked toward the moon; a clan of werewolves snarled with saliva dripping from their large mouths. Breath smelling as fowl as their matted fur, their glowing yellow eyes stared transfixed, waiting. Waiting for the feed to begin.

The current literary craze seems to be about werewolves, vampires, and fallen angels finding love among humans. Whatever happed to romance comedy, or a good swashbuckler, starring Harrison Ford? I fear these stories remain on the back burner for now, and have become faded memories with the exception to “Cowboys, and Aliens.”

Vampire shows are still dominating cable stations, and growing in popularity with ensuing seasons. Twilight still has another movie waiting to be released with millions of fans anticipating the continuing saga of Edward and Bella. YA Fiction has been evolving nicely thanks to J.K. Rowling setting the stage with Harry Potter fascination with yet millions of hardcore fans, continuing the story through fan fiction.

Aspiring authors seem to be emerging from the woodworks with new tales of dark urban fantasy, and their sales are climbing on Amazon and Barns and Noble. But, will this craving of dark worlds continue to evolve? You bet.

Allured is a dark urban fantasy thriller that will lure you in from the beginning, leaving you with a craving for more. It has a taste of romance, a little comedy, and an unusual twist as to how vampires exist and transform. Tongue in cheek, edgy fiction at its best! You’re invited to read an exclusive of the first chapter before it travels to publication. Just click here!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Endless Dreams

I remember my first day of school. I stood in the center of my kindergarten class, looked up at the alphabet, and said, “I can write a book when I learn how to write.” Really, that’s what I said.  Several years later during one summer so long ago I wrote a stage play called Buddies On The Run; that now collects dust on my bookshelf. During that summer writing turned into a hobby, and it never stopped. As I blossomed into a teenager I wrote numerous poems about love and heartache, which led to song writing, then short stories, and eventually full-length novels.

Ever since the age of ten, when I read Little House On The Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder, I knew I wanted to be an author. I picked up my first quill at the age of twelve that I bought with babysitting money and started writing. The whole time I was in school from Junior High, High School, to College I wrote and wrote. No report was ever easy. I remember my teachers would often say, “I didn’t ask for a book I asked for a few pages. It’s hard to write a simple email or text message because I find myself typing away, wanting to write a story.

When I started writing Allured a whole new world came into view. I saw their faces, felt their emotions, and hated their enemies. I speak of my characters as real people - not just fantasy, made up inside the dark mind that hides in my soul. I live and breathe each and every one of my characters, knowing everything about them.

I enjoy creating worlds where fantasy can be born. It’s like taking a journey to a foreign land, tasting new foods, meeting new people, and embarking into customs and traditions beyond an endless imagination of dreams.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Reese Jacquez: Allured

Reese Jacquez: Allured: Please enjoy Chapter 1 from Allured, an upcoming dark fantasy novel by Reese Jacquez. If you'd like to leave a comment telling the author ...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Beyond Sparkles

Vampire novels seem to be a worldwide craze with Twilight taking over the bookshelves and box offices. It became an instant success by targeting a younger generation. The saga introduced them to mellower, less violent vampires, who sparkle and experience emotion. Well-done, Stephenie Meyer.

Allured is a dark fantasy/ romance thriller with a vampire theme. It deals with the survival of mortality for the vampires who are in search of the perfect consort to accompany them to the afterlife once their existence dissipates after one thousand years. Legacy is everything to them especially in Osiris’ kingdom.

The two main characters, Victor von Hestine and Jacquelyn Cassiel, don’t fall head over heels for each other, at least not right away. Victor lures Jacquelyn toward him in a devilish scheme to protect his own mortality. His intentions are purely selfish. But when Jacquelyn discovers changes about her that are dark and evil, she nearly goes mad. Her sight becomes sharper and her hearing becomes crisp. But when she begins to transform, her best friend Gabriella warns Jacquelyn that she is becoming a creature of the night, but it’s simply too late. Allured is an adult dark fantasy thriller that will lure both adults and teens past the sparkles of twilight, and into the grasp of night.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Evolving Quill

Writing to me is simply the air I breathe; I’d die without it. Creativity is a gift that’s within my soul inasmuch as dancing is in rain. At the age of twelve I wrote my first screenplay, entitled “Buddies on the Run.” That story led to a venture of short stories that I had just made up during the night.

As I blossomed into adolescence, and my hormones took over, I began writing poetry and songs, which led to several children’s stories. I even wrote a short story based on a dream when I was seventeen that was later published in an English literary textbook used by one of my college professors, entitled “Tara’s Nightmare.” I still have a copy. Since then, ideas of several stories seem to tangle themselves into my mind, and it’s hard to pry them out from so many cob-webs.

But one night while I was wracking my brain figuring out equations for algebra the idea for Allured popped into my head like a sonic boom. The main character Jacquelyn Cassiel made me stop what I was doing, pick up a long-dormant notebook, and write about her and how she met Victor Von Hestine. After writing four or five pages, I told Jacquelyn I needed to get back to algebra that I would spend time with her later.

Well, several months later and still attending college, I picked up my quill and created a world that sucked me in. As I began to draft Allured on paper, I envisioned each person, their surrounding, and life. As I continued to write Allured, I felt myself evolve into each character as I introduced them on paper and began to talk of them as real people. I still do. With Allured written, I have spent several months painfully editing in an attempt to bring Allured to print. Allured is the first in a trilogy, and I am sure every vampire reader will enjoy it.

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