Friday, August 31, 2012

Back From Being Edited

It's been a long ride and journey for Allured. And I am happy to report that she has returned home safely from Vermont from being edited. 

The next step is to polish the edits that have been applied, in order to shape Allured to be sent out to agents. Hopefully, this will happen by years-end. 

During the revision of Allured, I'll post updates as they unfold. Until then, keep reading...

Please visit and follow me on Facebook. You'll find my author page under Reese Jacquez, where I'll be posting updates that pertain to Allured, and other novels I am currently writing.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Allured is a adult dark fantasy/ paranormal romance novel about love, friendship and betrayal. Packed with twist, turns and surprises.

Jacquelyn is a barmaid in a merchant community in Port Townsmont, Massachusetts. Aside from talking to her co-workers at the Black Rose Tavern: Jacquelyn keeps to herself, not dating much. It's not that she's not attractive, because she is- its because Jacquelyn use to be a whore and no one has anything to do with her. Until one night when a tall, dark haired handsome stranger enters the tavern. Jacquelyn is lured to him, instantly.

While cleaning a nearby table, Jacquelyn gets up the nerve and goes to his table. He introduces himself as Victor von Hestine, asking her to join him for the evening.
Moved by his interest in her, Jacquelyn gets nervous, hating how people in town call her names. Victor with his rare ability, hears the patron’s thoughts- bids Jacquelyn goodnight, leaving her standing alone.
But Victor being persistent having motives of his own waits for Jacquelyn outside in his carriage. After persuading her several minutes, gaining trust; Jacquelyn rides off with Victor.

Just after one night she starts seeing changes with her hearing becoming like a wolf and eyesight like an eagle. But worst of all- is when Jacquelyn wakes from a sound sleep, in cased in a milky cocoon.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Allured Update

Sorry for not posting for a while. I have been busy with new projects. I hope everyone has been doing well and is ready for the upcoming winter holidays. Blessings to each of you. 

Friday, September 9, 2011

Vampires, Werewolves and Angels - Oh My!

Darkness covered every inch of the ebony sky, wrapping it in a heavy blanket. A distant howl from a werewolf barked toward the moon; a clan of werewolves snarled with saliva dripping from their large mouths. Breath smelling as fowl as their matted fur, their glowing yellow eyes stared transfixed, waiting. Waiting for the feed to begin.

The current literary craze seems to be about werewolves, vampires, and fallen angels finding love among humans. Whatever happed to romance comedy, or a good swashbuckler, starring Harrison Ford? I fear these stories remain on the back burner for now, and have become faded memories with the exception to “Cowboys, and Aliens.”

Vampire shows are still dominating cable stations, and growing in popularity with ensuing seasons. Twilight still has another movie waiting to be released with millions of fans anticipating the continuing saga of Edward and Bella. YA Fiction has been evolving nicely thanks to J.K. Rowling setting the stage with Harry Potter fascination with yet millions of hardcore fans, continuing the story through fan fiction.

Aspiring authors seem to be emerging from the woodworks with new tales of dark urban fantasy, and their sales are climbing on Amazon and Barns and Noble. But, will this craving of dark worlds continue to evolve? You bet.

Allured is a dark urban fantasy thriller that will lure you in from the beginning, leaving you with a craving for more. It has a taste of romance, a little comedy, and an unusual twist as to how vampires exist and transform. Tongue in cheek, edgy fiction at its best! You’re invited to read an exclusive of the first chapter before it travels to publication. Just click here!

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